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Cloud Server available

Ozdocs International software is available on our cloud server as an added service. Each business has their own software installed on one of our cloud services located in a secure data centre in Canberra or Sydney.


The software is only accessible by users of your system, or by ozdocs support staff for maintenance. Running Ozdocs on our cloud server removes the need for your business to require IT resources for Ozdocs software usage.

If you would like more information about running Ozdocs software on our cloud server, please contact us at or call us on 61-2-9899-2000.

12 business advantages of cloud computing.

  1. Cost Savings

  2. Security

  3. Flexibility

  4. Mobility

  5. Insight

  6. Increased Collaboration

  7. Quality Control

  8. Disaster Recovery

  9. Loss Prevention

  10. Automatic Software Updates

  11. Competitive Edge

  12. Sustainability

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